Healthy Teeth

Taking care of your baby’s teeth and gums.

One of the most exciting milestones for new parents is seeing their baby’s first teeth appear. Taking good care of your children’s teeth and mouth is part of taking care of their whole body. Brushing and flossing are important. So is seeing a dentist.

Here are some healthy tips:

  1. When you care for your teeth, you are caring for your baby’s teeth too.

    Bacteria (germs) from your mouth can easily be passed to your baby’s mouth through kissing or sharing a spoon. Bacteria cause gum and tooth decay. Be sure to brush and floss daily.

  2. Learn about tooth decay.

    While babies eventually lose their first teeth, tooth decay in baby teeth is serious. It can lead to poor eating habits, speech problems, infections, or damaged adult teeth.

  3. Things to avoid.

    Bottles containing milk, formula, juice, or other sweetened liquids can leave a sugary film on baby’s teeth. This can lead to decay and infection. Sleeping with a bottle or while breastfeeding can lead to decay as well.

  4. You can help. Clean your baby’s gums and teeth.

    Starting at birth, clean your baby’s gums with a soft cloth and water. When teeth come in, brush two times each day with a little smear of fluoride toothpaste and a soft child’s toothbrush.

  5. Schedule a visit with the dentist.

    Talk to your dentist or your child’s Primary Care Provider. Visits to the Dentist usually start when the first tooth comes in, between 6 and 12 months of age. You can prevent dental problems with early visits.


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